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Sheriff Sales FAQ
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Lake County
Real Property Sales
Frequently Asked Questions

- Where are the Sheriff Sales held?
Sheriff Sales are held on the main floor of the Lake County Court House every Monday at 10:00 a.m. If a Holiday falls on Monday, the sales are held on Tuesday, the following day. - How are the sales executed?
Sales are performed as public auctions. All bidding is done orally for all to hear. Bidding begins at 2/3 of the appraised property value, except for foreclosures brought on behalf of the County Treasurer for collection of delinquent real estate taxes. - How can I find out what real properties are FOR SALE?
A book of properties is available at our front counter for people to come in and review. Each week, in Friday’s NEWS-HERALD, new properties are listed at the beginning of the Classified Section. These publications contain the appraised value determined by three sworn property appraisers and the description of the property. - When can I see the inside of the house?
Permission to enter the Sheriff Sale real properties is not permitted by law. This includes buyers, inspectors, appraisers, etc., unless a court order is obtained - How can I find out more about the property?
The Lake County Auditor’s Office is your best source of information. Plat maps, that provide the physical lot description, are available. Property Record Cards are also available. These cards have information on land value, number of rooms and type of utilities. The auditor’s office can be contacted at 440-350-2528. The web site address is http://www.lakecountyohio.org/auditor. - What about the property taxes?
All prior delinquencies and taxes that are currently due and payable, will be paid out of the proceeds of the sale. Taxes will not be prorated. Real estate taxes are billed twice a year for the prior year. The Lake County Treasurer’s Office can be contacted at 440-350-2516 or you may access their web site at http://www.lakecountyohio.org/treasurer. - Is there a way to find out if there are additional outstanding liens on a real property?
Liens and deeds can be researched at the Lake County Recorder’s Office, 440-350-2510. The web site address is http://www.lakecountyohio.org/recorder. You may find that the name on the deed differs from the name on the lien. The name on the deed will be the owner of the property. You may check the docket at the Lake County Clerk of Courts office located on the second floor of the Lake County Court House or you may access their web site at http://www.www.lakecountyohio.org/clerk for any other judgement liens. An independant title search company may also be used. - What happens next should I be the successful bidder?
At the time of the sale, your down payment will be accepted. The Sheriff will require a deposit of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or ten percent (10%) of the bid, whichever is greater (no cap). The deposit will be made when the bid is accepted and be by CASH, BANK CHECK or MONEY ORDER. Sheriff’s Office personnel handling the sales will record your name, address and phone number where you can be reached. The amount of the purchase price and your down payment will also be documented and receipted to you.
*Note-The purchaser has no rights to the property until the sale has been confirmed. Usually, 90 to 120 days after the auction date, a “Confirmation of Sale” is received and you are contacted.
From the time of the purchase and before a “Confirmation of Sale” is filed, there are legal filings that may occur by the property owner and/or their legal counsel. These filings may result in the sale of the property being vacated. If, after the 90 to 120 day period passes, you have not been contacted, we recommend you check the status of your sale on the Clerk of Courts Docket. Our office may also be contacted for assistance. (See item 12 for contact information)
- What happens if my deposit check is more than the required 10% down payment?
When this happens, the check is accepted and the balance of the check is applied to the balance of the purchase price. - When do I pay the rest of the money?
The purchaser will pay within thirty (30) days from the date of sale, the balance of the purchase price. The deed is the purchaser’s receipt. - When do I receive the deed?
After the purchase price is paid and a Confirmation of Sale has been received from the court, the deed is then prepared and available to the purchaser. The purchaser is responsible for transferring the deed (done at the Lake County Auditor’s Office) and recording the deed (done at the Lake County Recorder’s Office). Buyers will sometimes have their attorney or escrow agent handle this for them. - How can I receive updates about the progress of the case?
All actions on a foreclosure property are recorded with the Lake County Clerk of Courts. You may research activity in the Clerk of Courts Docket, located on the second floor of the Lake County Court House, telephone 440-350-2657 or 440-918-2657, or you may access the docket on the Internet at http://www.lakecountyohio.org/clerk. If you are unable to find your information there, contact the Real Property Sales section of the Sheriff’s office. Normally, Shannon Gandolf at (440) 350-5519 will assist you in any way possible.